Which Attack on Titan Character Are You?

Are you a clean freak like Levi, impulsive like Eren, or energetic like Hange? Take our quiz and find out which Attack on Titan character you are.


AOT Personality Quiz

Attack on Titan is one of the most popular anime and manga of all time. It is beloved by millions of fans worldwide. And, there’s a good reason for that. The interesting plot might keep us all glued to our seats, but it is the captivating characters that I, just like many other fans, fell in love with.

That said, if someone asked you which character you believe you represent the best, would you have an answer for them? The vast lineup of characters is what makes the show fresh, but it also makes pinpointing a single character hard.

That’s where our AOT personality quiz comes in. Through 20 simple and entertaining AOT-based questions, you will get a better grasp on your AOT kin.

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Who Do You Kin?

Discovering which AOT character you are most like can be a tedious task. It requires studying the ins and outs of countless characters. Even then, it may be hard for anyone to deduct which character they relate to due to subjectivity. Our quiz doesn’t have that problem. It is objective and with over 30 different results boasts near perfect accuracy.

aot personality quiz


Levi is a clean freak with a cold personality that makes him off-putting to many. Sweeping the battlefield for specks of dirt on his equipment illustrates his obsession with cleanliness. His unyielding sense of morality and an acute value for human life drive him. His staunch loyalty stems from past experiences in his criminal life beneath the Underground City, leading him to follow only those he profoundly respects.

He projects a grim visage and a coarse tongue markedly used against foes like the Titans or authority figures outside his circle of respect. That said, Levi harbors deep empathy for comrades lost in battle and carries their collective will forward against their mutual enemies. Lastly, Levi operates independently while still following Erwin’s orders.


Eren is passionate and impulsive. His strong determination drives him to free mankind from the confines of their city walls. His fiery temperament often leads him into danger, but his courage and consistency lead to significant accomplishments. He was raised by tragic experiences, including his mother’s death. He exhibits intense protective instincts towards his best friends Armin and Mikasa as well as humanity itself.

A profound hatred for the Titans fuels his life goals. He desires to join the Scout Regiment and eradicate the titanic threats. Eren shows remarkable charisma, analytical skills, tactical understanding, and an ability to make morally complex choices.

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Mikasa is a hard-nosed realist, burdened with an acute perception of the world’s harsh reality at a young age. She becomes emotionally aloof yet deeply committed to those close to her following her parents’ brutal murder. She was strongly influenced by Eren Jaeger under whom Mikasa developed tremendous soldiering skills and fierce determination to protect him at all costs.

At times, she prioritizes Eren’s safety over rational judgment. Mikasa’s red scarf encapsulates this unwavering loyalty. Eren gave it to her when they first met and now it is a key source of strength for this resilient warrior. However, she maintains unparalleled stoicism and level-headedness.

aot who do i kin


Hange is an energetic, freethinking researcher renowned for their unique approach to work. They were initially filled with hatred after joining the Survey Corps. Their perspective shifted drastically after a groundbreaking discovery about Titans. Their immense compassion for Titan test subjects and empathy towards suffering compatriots are evident. For instance, Hange had a complete meltdown when the Titans were killed.

Hange confessed to Moblit Berner about their fear of unknown Titan phenomena. As a leader and a genius, they devise tactical plans and inventions to leverage humanity’s survival. Balancing their energetic persona is an underlying darker side that emerges under high-stress situations. It reveals their capacity for anger and threat alongside moments of psychotic pleasure in retributive justice.

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Armin is a timid but intellectually gifted young man. He nurtures a profound fascination with the world beyond his confined existence. Endless bullying for his unconventional interests and frail body resulted in severe low self-esteem. Regardless of this initial inferiority complex, he bravely evolves into leveraging his strategic acumen for military success and humanity’s betterment.

His extreme loyalty and selflessness often push him towards dangerous sacrifices for his friends’ safety. Armin is also unyieldingly brave and level-headed. His harsh life experiences have instilled in him certain foundational beliefs, such as the necessity of sacrificing humanity to overcome monstrous threats or attain goals. Lastly, he is empathetic and emotionally sensitive at heart.

Meet Josh, an anime and manga enthusiast who's not only an expert in the field but also a passionate author and manga creator. When he's not crafting captivating stories, he's sharing his world with his loyal canine companion while sipping on Sprite. With four enriching journeys to Japan, Josh has immersed himself in the culture that birthed these captivating narratives, making him a go to person when it comes to crafting interesting anime quizzes.