Who Is Your Attack On Titan Girlfriend?

Is it stoic Mikasa, energetic Sasha, or intelligent Annie? Take the quiz and find your ideal Attack On Titan girlfriend.


Attack On Titan Girlfriend Quiz

Are you curious about which Attack on Titan character would you date? Make that a question of the past with our quiz. In just 20 questions, you will find your ideal AOT girlfriend.

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Mikasa Ackermann

Mikasa is a tall and well-toned woman of partial Asian heritage. She expressively crafts strength with her muscular arms, legs, and abdomen. Her black hair was cut short and a small scar beneath her right eye added to the austere appeal of this soldier. Wearing the uniform of the Scout Regiment is a symbol of her grit and tenacity, highlighted further by her dark red scarf. It’s more than an accessory to Mikasa as it was gifted by Eren when he saved her from traffickers.

Once cheerful and perceptive as a child, she is now emotionally withdrawn due to the tragic murder of her parents. Mikasa navigates through life with a cynical perspective. She believes only the strongest can survive in this cruel world. Despite this grim outlook, Mikasa deeply cherishes her relationships, particularly with Eren, whom she sees as her last remaining family.

Sasha Braus

Sasha, a young woman from Dauper Village, was known for her reddish brown ponytail and friendly smile. Standing at an average height, her slender figure would often be clad in the standard Scout Regiment uniform during missions. Off-duty, she embraced a simpler style, a long-sleeve blouse, skirt, and occasionally a sleeveless vest. As years passed, she grew taller and opted for shorter hair which revealed more of her light brown eyes.

Sasha was not just a pretty face, her personality resonated with fun-loving energy masked by an initial timidity. She exuded simplicity and eccentricity yet possessed striking intuition and judgment in dire situations. Sasha’s voracious appetite earned her the nickname “Potato Girl”, indicating her constant obsession with food.

aot girlfriend quiz

Historia Reiss

Historia, the petite blonde with striking blue eyes and a heart-shaped face stands as the smallest but arguably the bravest of the 104th Cadet Corps. Despite her gentle exterior that often evokes adoration from her male peers, Historia hides beneath layers of intricacies. She’s kind and caring, driven by a deep-seated desire to gain esteem from those around her. She yearns to die in a manner that won’t bear hatred from others but instead leave behind memories steeped in fondness.

After losing Ymir, Historia spirals into disinterest, struggling with a lack of self-identity. Yet amid turmoil during the coup d’état, she uncovers her strength. She ultimately defies and kills her father acting decisively under pressure.

Annie Leonhart

Annie is frequently perceived as cold and emotionless, often bearing a stoic expression. She generally appears detached and disinterested in her surroundings, opting to focus strictly on her own objectives. Annie also displays a sharp sense of wit, frequently using sarcasm to convey partial truths. Despite her typical demeanor, she’s capable of intense emotion and can react violently when pushed too far.

In addition to her emotional depth, she embodies an impressive level of intelligence and discernment which she employs as a spy for the Warriors. She’s known for being practical, deeply self-aware, and brutally honest about her shortcomings. This raw honesty extends even to acquaintances whom she would comfortably admit negative aspects of her personality without any hint of self-pity. Annie’s motivation largely lies in returning home to her father, despite the harsh deeds she’s committed in pursuit of this goal.

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Carla Jaeger

Carla is a woman of captivating beauty and tender heart. Her ebony hair was normally tied in a loose manner, draping over her right shoulder and complemented by bangs that flanked her face. Deep within Carla resides a strong-willed spirit mixed with loving concern for those close to her.

Her protective nature places her family’s welfare above hers. She was so potent that she sacrificed herself when her beloved children were endangered. Yet beneath this selfless façade hid a profound fear of abandonment.

Liam is a dedicated student and an ingenious quiz creator. As a passionate learner, Liam utilizes his inquisitive nature to craft captivating quizzes that challenge and inspire fellow students. When he's not busy creating thought-provoking questions, you can find Liam exploring the realms of literature, experimenting with coding projects, or engaging in friendly debates.