Kill la Kill Girlfriend Quiz

Is it intelligent Satsuki, arrogant Nonon, or stubborn Ryouko? Take our quiz and find your perfect Kill la Kill girlfriend.


How Does The Quiz Work Like

Kill la Kill has a ton of amazing characters. But, we are not focusing on all of them. Rather, this quiz focuses on which character would be your girlfriend. Just like real-life dating, finding your ideal waifu can be troublesome. Thus, take the quiz and get an answer instantly.

Our unique and thought-provoking questions evaluate your personality and wants. Then, it goes through the traits of anime’s girls before showing you the ideal match.

Who Is Your Kill La Kill Girlfriend?

While Kill la Kill has many potential waifus, some are more sought and desired than others. Read on to learn more about them.

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Satsuki is tall and slim. She has long, dark blue hair that falls to her thighs and stunning blue eyes. She carries an aura of light that many describe as dazzling. Satsuki is renowned for her intelligence, strength of will, and iron-fisted leadership. She shows no shame and believes strongly in the hierarchy.

While initially cold towards her peers, it becomes evident that she cares deeply for those close to her. This includes Ryuko whom she fights fiercely against until they discover their familial bond. That leads Satsuki to reveal a softer, more bashful side of her character.


Nonon is a petite, pink-haired girl with a sardonic wit and an audacious personality. Beneath her cute facade lies an arrogance that particularly shines in battles where she enjoys aggravating her opponents with caustic remarks. Her unique trait is the effective use of classical music in combat.

She holds a deep respect for Satsuki and is fiercely loyal to her other Elite Four friends. Nonon oversees non-athletic groups at school and also runs various clubs demonstrating her leadership.

who is your kill la kill girlfriend


Ryuko is fiercely stubborn and ambitious. She has the searing determination to find her father’s killer. She is unafraid of confrontation and addresses issues head-on, even when overpowered. She’s inventive and confident in battle but can underestimate her opponents at times.

However, she also has a calm side and gets along well with the Mankanshoku family. She was raised without a familial relationship due to the loss of her parents. Eventually, Ryuko develops into a more mature woman who learns to acknowledge Satsuki as her sister.


Mako is a cheerful and devoted teenager with a notable bowl-cut hairstyle. She finds comfort in her unwavering friendship with Ryūko Matoi, even amidst the regular chaos that engulfs Honnōji Academy. Her hyperactive and somewhat indolent nature is contrasted by her fearlessness and respect for authority figures.

She can demonstrate immense discipline and productivity, as evident during her tenure as president of the Fight Club. Steadfastly poor but obsessed with wealth and food like her family, Mako constantly juggles between these contrasting worlds. Is she the one for you?

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Nui has intricate blonde pigtails, sapphire blue eyes filled with joy, and a distinctive purple eyepatch. She embraces a heart-infused pink Lolita style, highlighted by her parasol and large bow. Nui’s personality mimics her youthful appearance. She is playful, jovial, often overly friendly, and possesses an unsettling nonchalance about the chaos and violence around her.

However, when challenged or hurt, Nui’s happy-go-lucky facade gives way to aggression and spitefulness. She holds grudges tightly as trophies of defiance against those who have crossed her like Isshin Matoi and Ryūko.

Meet Josh, an anime and manga enthusiast who's not only an expert in the field but also a passionate author and manga creator. When he's not crafting captivating stories, he's sharing his world with his loyal canine companion while sipping on Sprite. With four enriching journeys to Japan, Josh has immersed himself in the culture that birthed these captivating narratives, making him a go to person when it comes to crafting interesting anime quizzes.